teenagers in blue denim jeans wearing black and white converse all star high top sneakers - crush course - ndada
CRUSH is a fully evaluated workshop-style course for young people aged between 13-19 years to learn about healthy relationships

CRUSH is a fully evaluated workshop-style course for young people aged between 13-19 years to learn about healthy relationships

CRUSH is currently delivered on a commissioned basis. The course can be of varying lengths according to requirements with a minimum length of 6 weeks (12 hours).  Ideally delivered to young people at school as part of the PSHE curriculum, the course looks at the issues of healthy vs unhealthy relationships through the eyes of four characters invented by the workshop group. The programme is primarily aimed at potential victims but is viewed as working well with young people displaying perpetrator traits as well. In fact, in our experience from the courses we have run we have found it to be particularly useful in this area.

This course can be commissioned. For more information please email Hannah Ashford at

Find out about our other courses here.