IDVA services

idva services
We offer the services of an Independent Domestic Violence Advisor (IDVA) to support you through the criminal and civil justice system

We offer the services of an Independent Domestic Violence Advisor (IDVA) to support you through the criminal and civil justice system and specialist IDVAs who work within the health arena

The IDVA’s role is to support victims of domestic violence/abuse through the criminal justice system from the point of charge until the court proceedings have ended.

The IDVA will keep victims updated about court dates, and court and bail application outcomes, and offer general support. She will also undertake pre-court visits with witnesses so that they have some understanding of what will happen when they attend court and will accompany people to court and support them on the day. The court IDVA will help you remain strong and empowered through a process which can feel daunting. This is a very limited service due to funding restrictions.

The IDVA can also provide information, advice and support on the civil processes (Non-Molestation Orders, Occupation Orders, and Child Contact etc) and put you in touch with a solicitor to progress these.  With the help of our trained and fully supported team of volunteers working alongside the IDVA, individuals are supported holistically to chart their own course towards a safer, happier and healthier future.

This service for women and men is available across Devon.

Most referrals come into the service via Devon Domestic Abuse Support Service (Splitz) but is open to self-referral.

Please call

01271 370079/80